Synthesis of Low-Viscosity Parting Lubricants Based on Domestically-Made Solvents and Oils with Improved Organoleptic Characteristics

Bursau M., Dimitriadi N., Ivashko L., Yukhnevskiy P.


The article describes the results of studies carried out in Institute BelNIIS Republican Unitary Enterprise (RUE) in synthesis of especially low-viscosity parting lubricants with the kinematic viscosity about 2 mm2/s at 20 °C; the need for these lubricants arose at several enterprises in the Republic of Belarus as a result of commissioning of several imported process lines for making reinforced-concrete articles on horizontal trays with movable sidewalls. As a result of these studies, the method has been designed for physicochemical treatment of low-viscosity hydrocarbon solvent, Nefras-C4–150/200, made by Naftan OJSC, making it possible to eliminate bad odour of the initial solvent and provide it with properties necessary for its application as a component in lubricants. The product resulting from physicochemical treatment of the aforementioned solvent makes homogeneous solutions with mineral oils, with a wide range of viscosities typical for them, depending on the composition and suitable for application as a hydrophobic component in low-viscosity parting lubricants meeting modern requirements in terms of viscosity, sanitary and hygienic characteristics and other properties.

Isoparaffin oil from Rosneftekhim Innovative Industrial Company CJSC, industrial oil from Naftan OJSC and the product of physicochemical treatment of Nefras-C4–150/200 solvent from Naftan OJSC were used as basic materials for synthetizing low-viscosity parting lubricants with kinematic viscosities 2.7 and 5.3 mm2/s meeting modern requirements including the requirements in sanitary and hygienic terms and making it possible to produce articles with high quality of concrete surface meeting the category A2. The designed parting lubricants are similar, in terms of their operational characteristics, to imported lubricants, Formenal FTSV and Divinol, being in use now at Gomel Integrated House-building Works OJSC, and surpass them in sanitary and hygienic terms.

Keywords: kinematic viscosity, lubricant for formwork, petroleum solvent, mineral oils, surface quality.

For citation: Bursau M., Dimitriadi N., Ivashko L., Yukhnevskiy P. Synthesis of Low-Viscosity Parting Lubricants Based on Domestically-Made Solvents and Oils with Improved Organoleptic Characteristics. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 9. 2017. pp. 32–41.

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ISSN 2076-6033

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