BIM Technology Perspectives for the Computer-Aided Development of Specification Documents for Reinforced-Concrete Structures

Liashkevich A.


The article considers the issue of automation of development of specification documents for reinforced-concrete structures in the furtherance of the BIM technology. The list of procedures implemented at the stage of calculations that complicate the creation of a universal algorithm for the computer-aided generation of drawings of reinforced-concrete structures is presented. The Finite Element Method provides the possibility of creating a set of variants of computational models for the same constructive model; accordingly, there are many available variants of analysis results. Thus, the solution of the issue of calculating a construction project is always not the only one available. In the course of development of computational models, the idealization of the geometric shape is used, which leads to the representation of structural elements with infinitesimally small sections. In this case, the current design standards consider the reinforced-concrete structure as a set of sections with corresponding dimensions. In most cases (especially for statically indeterminate structures), the choice of techniques and design sections can be subjective, which complicates the possibility of developing computer-aided design algorithms. The need for this kind of simplifications and idealizations was dictated by the limited available computing resources. The urgency of this problem is currently decreasing, which makes it possible to abandon the idealization of the geometric form and, consequently, to use three-dimensional finite elements when preparing computational models. Therefrom, an approach to design models of reinforced-concrete structures in the furtherance of the BIM Technology is proposed; this approach allows overcoming the limitations of currently used analysis methods, which impede the creation and the implementation of computer development of specification documents for reinforced-concrete objects. In this case, it is necessary to take into account other requirements for the normalization of mechanical indicators of concrete.

Keywords: reinforced concrete, CAD, the BIM Technologies, the Finite Element Method, specification documents.

For citation: Liashkevich A. BIM Technology Perspectives for the Computer-Aided Development of Specification Documents for Reinforced-Concrete Structures. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 9. 2017. pp. 70–79.

Full text in English:


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ISSN 2076-6033
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