Innovative Arbolit with Desired Properties

Bozylev V., Yagubkin A.


In the Republic of Belarus one of the priorities is the task of increasing the volume of individual housing construction and reducing its cost. Expanding the range of wall construction materials that meet the requirements to create a favorable climate for human habitation is an urgent task.

The article analyzes the benefits of a new kind of arbolit, which was developed by authors the technology of the vibrating seal. To ensure strength and reduce operational humidity in the wall material of buildings the authors propose a new additive – modifier of arbolit.

This material is manufactured using locally available raw materials – wood chips, and therefore it has a low cost. Innovative solutions allow you to wall-concrete products at the best world analogues.

Comparative quality assessment of traditional arbolit and arbolit with directional styling the placeholder. Presents the structural model determine the quality of arbolit and directed graphs evaluation of the quality of comparable materials. The possibility of eliminating the major drawbacks of traditional arbolit – a reduction in the heterogeneity of the structure and decrease the adsorption of moisture of wall material.

The work substantiates the necessity of optimizing the parameters of the seal as a wood filler and cement paste. The results of the selection of the optimum frequency and amplitude of vibration with the definition of the structure of the arbolit. It is established that the optimal parameters that provide directional styling of wood filler in the arbolit is the horizontal oscillations with amplitude 10 sm and frequency of 1 Hz.

As a result of research innovative arbolit, providing increase durability and decrease moisture of the walls of buildings, has been developed.

Keywords: arbolit, the structural model, directed graph of quality assessment, formation modes, vibrational compaction, moisture release, an additive modifier.

For citation: Bozylev V., Yagubkin A. Innovative Arbolit with Desired Properties. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 9. 2017. pp. 96–112.

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033
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