Accounting of Influence of Quality of Concrete Raw Components and of Operating Conditions on Concrete Products Durability from the Perspective of Technical Regulation

Gubskaya A., Gapotchenko A., Volovik T.

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The article is devoted to the actual problem of influence of quality of raw materials and operating conditions on durability of concrete products. Concrete is an artificial stone building material obtained by forming and solidifying a rationally selected and compacted mixture consisting of a binder, large and small fillers, water. In some cases, it may be composed of special additives. The process of concrete production includes the main stages: analysis of raw materials, selection of concrete composition, molding of concrete in compliance with the conditions of its manufacture and operation. The purpose of the article is to analyze the characteristic errors that may be in the production and operation of concrete associated with non-compliance with the process. One of the important factors affecting the quality of concrete is the quality of the cement included in its composition. The article touches upon the problem of the need to make changes to a number of technical regulations that establish requirements for the quality of cement used in the production of concrete. The authors propose changes, the introduction of which will subsequently exclude this factor from the number of “negatively affecting the quality of concrete”. Focusing on this problem is relevant both on an industrial scale and for private use. The authors, on the basis of the data obtained in the course of the laboratory of physico-chemical and thermophysical studies of the State enterprise “Institute of niism”, presented an analysis of this problem. It is revealed that the main problems leading to the destruction of concrete are associated with non-compliance with the technology of manufacturing concrete products (the quality of raw materials, their dosage in the raw mixture, the conditions of formation of products), and the operation of concrete products.

Keywords: quality of raw materials, selection of composition, operating conditions, durability of concrete products.

For citation: Gubskaya A., Gapotchenko A., Volovik T. Accounting of Influence of Quality of Concrete Raw Components and of Operating Conditions on Concrete Products Durability from the Perspective of Technical Regulation. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 11. 2019. pp. 108–124. (in Russian)

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2664-567X (Online)
ISSN 2076-6033 (Print)

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