Alyavdin P., Bulanov G.
In the paper the mathematical model of the optimization problem of limit and shakedown analysis for composite plane frames, containing elastic-plastic and brittle elements under low-cyclic loading, is proposed. It is assumed that the load varies randomly within the specified domain, and limited plastic redistribution of forces in such structures occurs. An example of the shakedown analyses of the composite frame is given.For citation: Alyavdin P., Bulanov G. Predelnyy analiz stalezhelezobetonnykh ram s uchetom plasticheskogo i khrupkogo razrusheniya elementov [Shakedown Analysis of Composite Frames Taking into Account Plastic and Brittle Fracture of Elements]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 6. 2014. pp. 7–24. (rus)
ISSN 2076-6033