Kremnev A., Grinev V., Trubach Yu
The analysis of design solutions for collaboration elements of the existing foundations and concrete building. The main results of the study on the bearing capacity of the connection joints of the foundation model with reinforcements (footings), reinforced by rigid elements in the form of an I-beam and channel bar.
For citation: Kremnev A., Grinev V., Trubach Yu. Eksperimentalnoye issledovaniye prochnosti i zhestkosti stykovogo soyedineniya zhelezobetonnogo fundamenta i nabetonki s zhestkim armirovaniyem [Experimental Study Strength and Stiffness of Butt Joints Reinforced Concrete Foundation and Footings Hard Reinforcement]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 6. 2014. pp. 151-163. (rus)
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