Some Results of Experimental Studies of Autoclaved Porous Low-Density Concrete Thermal and Physical Characteristics

Krutilin A., Leshkevich V., Rykhlenok Yu.


The article shows some results of experimental studies of thermal and physical characteristics of autoclaved porous concrete with density equal to 400 and 500 kg/m3. The new type of hydrothermal conductivity determination is shown. It is determined that exterior walls with initial humidity of concrete equal to 30% might show redistribution and considerable increase of moisture on the walls exterior surface.

For citation: Krutilin A., Leshkevich V., Rykhlenok Yu. Nekotoryye rezultaty eksperimentalnykh issledovaniy teplofizicheskikh kharakteristik avtoklavnykh yacheistykh betonov nizkikh plotnostey [Some Results of Experimental Studies of Autoclaved Porous Low-Density Concrete Thermal and Physical Characteristics]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 6. 2014. pp. 164-175. (rus)

Full text in Russian:

ISSN 2076-6033
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