Сomplex Method of the Assessment and Forecasting of Technical Condition of the Ferroconcrete Elements and Designs Which are Operated in Air Environments

Vasilyev A., Shevchenko D.


On the basis of long term investigations of concrete carbonation and its influence on reinforced concrete elements (RCE) and constructions (RCC) condition there was developed a calculating graphical method of concrete technical state forecast estimation, its protective properties in relation to steel reinforcement, condition and technical condition of reinforced concrete elements and constructions in general, which are exploited in atmospheric environment taking into consideration concrete carbonation.

For calculation automation and convenience in use of results obtained it was developed a program complex – calculating complex OKAWA. It allows to estimate and forecast on-line for suggested concrete exploitation conditions the state or the concrete, its protective properties in relation to steel reinforcement, the condition of the reinforcement and technical condition of RCE (RCC).

For citation: Vasilyev A., Shevchenko D. Kompleksnyy metod otsenki i prognozirovaniya tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya zhelezobetonnykh elementov i konstruktsiy, ekspluatiruyemykh v vozdushnykh sredakh [Сomplex Method of the Assessment and Forecasting of Technical Condition of the Ferroconcrete Elements and Designs Which are Operated in Air Environments]. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 6. 2014. pp. 59-67. (rus)

Full text in Russian:

ISSN 2076-6033

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