Shakedown Seismic Analysis of Composite Steel Concrete Spatial Frame

Bulanov G.


The earthquake analysis of buildings and structures can be performed by finding solution of the optimization problem, which takes into account the nonlinear properties of materials. There are several methods for the earthquake analysis using for design of the buildings, such as the analysis using the elastic response spectrum, non-linear static analysis, non-linear direct integration method using accelerograms of occurring earthquakes or artificial accelerograms and other [19]. The earthquake analysis of buildings and structures can be performed by finding solution of the optimization problem of shakedown analysis taking into account the nonlinear properties of materials. Such analysis has some advantages. External actions are introduced as the set of the load cases, that’s why we can solve the problem for all direction of seismic load and for every scheme of live load at once. As part of the solution of the optimization problem we can take into account the nonlinear behavior of the elements.

This paper presents new solution for analysis of composite steelconcrete frame buildings with elastic-plastic and brittle elements. We accepted concrete and composite elements behavior exposed to shear force as brittle behavior. On other side, we accepted elements behavior exposed to bending moment as elastic-plastic behavior.

It is assumed that the load varies randomly within the specified limits. Envelopes of forces created by these loads can be found using finite element elastic analysis of the system subjected to live and seismic actions using elastic response spectrum.

The example of analysis of composite steel-concrete spatial frame system with partial redistribution of moments subjected to seismic action is introduced.

Keywords: composite steel-concrete frame, push-over analysis, seismic action, plastic hinge, response spectrum.

For citation: Bulanov G. Shakedown Seismic Analysis of Composite Steel Concrete Spatial Frame. Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 9. 2017. pp. 14–31.–9–1

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ISSN 2076-6033

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