Structural and Functional Modeling of Energy Efficient Building Composite Material

Kersh V., Kolesnikov A., Tverdochleb S.


The article considers the method of statistical modeling of structural- functional relations in energy-saving composite material. A special role of the geometry of the porous structure in the organization of the heat flux of the material under study and the structures from it is shown. Since the heat-flow lines pass mainly through interporous gaps, the developed methods of computer microscopy were used to study the geometric characteristics of the inter-porous space. As a result of processing the microphotographs of the material by segmentation using the watershed method, the image sections corresponding to the interporous gaps are identified. The granulometric distribution of these sections over areas was constructed, which was further investigated by the interval method. The fraction of gaps from each interval was used as a variable of multiple regression to experimentally determined operational properties. The gaps of some dimensional intervals showed a similar in sign and intensity effect on the properties, therefore the intervals are enlarged to four. Nonlinear regression models of properties are constructed for them. In the regression models obtained, the linear components are characterized by positive contributions for density, strength and thermal conductivity, and the quadratic ones are negative. This can be due, in particular, to the fact that the quadratic terms take into account the pores that separate adjacent gaps. The regions of the allowable number of interporal gaps of appropriate size are determined, subject to regulatory restrictions on the properties associated with them. Thus, the optical method of separating the interstitial gaps together with the statistical processing methods makes it possible to determine the structural correlates of the macroscopic properties of the material observed in the experiments. The “structure-properties” models are suitable for predicting the properties of thermal insulation materials of the considered and adjacent classes by their structure.

Keywords: porous structure, interporous gaps, computer microscopy, granulometry, nonlinear multiple regression

For citation: Kersh V., Kolesnikov A., Tverdochleb S. Structural and Functional Modeling of Energy Efficient Building Composite Material. In: Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete: Collected Research Papers. Minsk. Institute BelNIIS. Vol. 9. 2017. pp. 232–249.

Full text in Russian:


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ISSN 2076-6033

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