Contemporary Issues of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Volume 10 (2018)

Modal Analysis of Three-Dimensional Finite Element Models of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Basakou S., Liashkevich A.
Design, Arrangement and Operation of Automated Heating and Ventilation Systems in Prefabricated Concrete Buildings
Konkov V., Bursau M.
Comparative Analysis of European and Belarusian Standards for Geotechnical Design of Pile Foundations in the Context of the Republic of Belarus
Krautsou U.
About Implementation Necessity into Designs of Extreme Strength Criterion Instead of the Deformation One
Mitrofanov V., Pinchuk N.
Investigation of Vibration of the Underground Railway Tunnel Lining in Case of Elastic Fastening of the Railway Track
Shepelevich M., Kanaplitski A., Ustinovich A.
Evaluation of the Influence of Thermotechnical Quality of the External Wall on the Temperature in the Corner of the Enclosure on the Example of Protection from Cellular Concrete
Shybeka A., Sakolchyk D.
Problems in Providing Equal Reliability of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Constructions Within the Existing Reliability Concept According to EN 1990
Tur V., Martynov Yu., Nadolski V., Veryovka F.
Assessment of Development of Corrosion of Steel Fittings Depending on Thickness of the Protective Layer of Concrete of Various Classes on Durability on Compression
Vasilyev A.
Polyfunctional Additive with Ultradispersed Microsilica for Cement Concrete
Gurinenko N., Batyanovskiy E.
Crack Growth Resistance of Cellular Concrete Walls in Buildings with Reinforced Concrete Frame
Derkach V.
Frost Resistance of Cement Concrete in Relation to Artificially Created Porosity
Korsun А., Batyanovskiy E.
Forecasting Results of the Temperature and Moisture Content and Their Application to the Durability Calculation of External Cellular Concrete Walls
Liashkevich U.
Effective Medium Theory Application for Prediction Expansive Basalt Fiberconcrete Self-Stresses
Paulava I.
The Method of Determining the Composition of the Concrete Mixture to the Required Density of Non-Autoclaved Aerated Concrete on Micro Filler of Dispersed Granite Dropout
Samuilov Yu.
Аutomated Monitoring of High-Rise Buildings Taking into Account the Temperature Factor
Snezhkov D., Leonovich S.
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